My craft area, (which is also my laundry room area). A complete disaster.
Not organized like those, you know, experts.

Hi, I'm Kate. I'm a full-time working mother of 2 young adult boys.

It seems like everybody owns a hacksaw, table saw, jigsaw, miter saw, a Cricut, Silhouette or some kind of craft-design machine.It also seems like everybody and their mother are skilled at doing some kind of DIY project or are experts in cooking or some kind of craft. Well, guess what? I'm not, and I don't own any of those things.

Half-the-time I see something I like and I want to make it right away - even though I don't have a clue what I'm doing cause half-the-time I ain't paying attention to what's being shown or said. Why? I don't have the fancy (and most times expensive) tools to do it with! I'm a very impatient person - not good when you want to make or create something. Therefore, more often than not, I like to improvise which means it won't look half as good as the professionals. But so? I tried to make it and that's all that matters.

We can't all be experts I say, so this blog is dedicated to those that are not so versed like those crafters but are willing to try... and those that are experts at other things such as eating and sleeping, like me, because those two things I could never find enough time to do, so when I do do it, I try to do it well. I don't believe in doing diets, but I do believe in eating WHATEVER YOU WANT - in moderation. I rarely get sick, (knock on wood), and I owe that all to eating a lot of chicken, mostly the dark kind. I hate white meat, but I'll eat it. I'll eat anything. I could go on and on...
