Dollar Store Basket Makeover

I didn't really know what the hell I was doing but somehow I managed to turn a plain old $1.25 plastic basket into a pretty decent-looking one, using some rope.

First, I went looking for a good-sized basket at the Dollar Tree store and I found this one.

It was perfect! Not too big, not too small.

Next, I added some cotton lining from an old blanket I had laying around...

Now the trick was to attach it all together... so I used the trusty old glue gun and glued everything down, and then added some trim to hide all that mess.

The jute rope I bought for $4 at another dollar store, Dollarama...

Oh! I also found some trim I purchased a while back from a thrift store. I only paid 0.50cents for it and now I can finally use it!

I attached it first (with some glue), then went-to-town on the basket wrapping the rope around and around until I got to the top...

I also used the rope to make some braids for the handles...

And there you have it! 

It wasn't done like those pros on YouTube but it was good enough for me, and apparently my family. You can use it for anything but I just threw a couple of toilet rolls in it for the main bathroom.


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